
Official Farewell Talk!

  &nbsMost missionaries give their farewell talk before being set apart as a full time missionary. Not this sister! Brooklyn gave a beautiful talk in Sacrament meeting today, she was the only speaker. There was a beautiful violin solo and the Merritt’s gave perfect prayers. Uncle Randon and Aunt Annette came, as well as Justin Vowell. We had a nice brunch afterwards! <img height="243" src="blob:></p>

Christmas Music? I Think Yes

  Hello Minasan! I finally started my classes this week after a lot of miscommunication, but it's all good! Non-member friends, if you're a little confused about what I'm doing, check out this link!  https://www. meet-missionaries When I first met my roommates, I asked them who was an anime fan. Turns out it was me. I was the imposter the whole time. I'm still a little cool though. I think. We started learning Japanese and I'm better at it than I originally thought, so it's been hard to stay focused when we go over the basic basics in class. I started spraying my plants with water when I get bored and I think I'm drowning them. Does anybody know cpr but for plants? I have now discovered that I love vitamin water. It's an ongoing struggle to search for vitamin water and then find that my brother drank them all. Everyone has different trials.  One of my companions has two new kittens and we got to see them on her zoom screen beca